Chlorine dioxide
Chlorine dioxide has been described as the "ideal" biocide. Recent innovations in safe and efficient delivery mechanisms have allowed chlorine dioxide to be applied to a wide variety of applications. It's now included in many drinking water hygiene programs around the globe. Complete testing has confirmed the safety of chlorine dioxide. This includes extensive studies by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and World Health Organization (WHO).
Chlorine dioxide assists in protecting the environment from harmful chemicals, dangerous bacteria and by-products formed from other disinfection methods. Chlorine Dioxide is rapidly gaining worldwide public acceptance. AQQUON creates the right environment for the chlorine dioxide molecules with a long biocidal effect and long lasting residual. We can supply large quantities at very competitive prices.
The potential for our technology is far reaching; applications range from drinking water disinfection, waste water treatment, bleaching in the paper & pulp industry, cooling towers, etc. Almost 80 different claims have been descried in EPA literature. In fact, anywhere microbial contamination is an issue, AQQUON can be the right choice.